Monday, April 12, 2010

FREEZE time!!!

Finally...... the last class, 1 week before the presentation start. on the day, we're going to do again our recipe like last week.....but the different is, we're doing 2 type of vade, cashew nut vade and cashew nut mixed pistachio nut vade. we're not cook the vade dis time but freeze it after have dough it in small round size so that can prepare for presentation next week.

Before the task

we prepared the ingredient as usual


8 nos of onion
black pepper ( mashed )
aniseed( mashed )

1 tbs salt
spring onion (mashed)
red chilli
curry powder

mixed cashew and pistachio nut in the pan n fried it without oil, after done, remake this for other cashew nut for npn mixed vade

During the Task

bland the mixed nut and cashew nut

than, mixed all ingredient and do as following procedure

After the task

after have mixed all the ingredient, we make it a dough n shape it like round in small size for both vade and keep it in the tupperware and freeze it in freezer...done

gud luck for final...... :)

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